Keeping My Tools Clean!

by - 5:28:00 PM

I don’t think there should be a reason to clean the makeup brushes. However, for those who are so hard to convenience, let me start by saying that professional makeup brushes are not cheap and they should be maintained to make them last longer. Second, dirty brushes get scratchy and most importantly they carry bacteria and nobody wants that. It’s recommended to deep clean the makeup brushes at least once a week, but hey, who has the time for that??? I personally do it at least once a month… Not enough? I know but I’m getting thereJ.

There are tons of brush cleansers that cost hell of bucks. However I figured out a great brush cleanser that’s affordable and last long enough – Johnson’s Baby Shampoo Camomile.

Here is my little easy and effective “how to” to clean makeup brushes. For that we need:

A small bowl or glass.
Baby Shampoo.
Conditioner (Optional).

How to:

1: Combine the water, shampoo and conditioner.
2: Dip one brush at a time.
3: Towel or paper towel sheet.
4: Using your hand, apply a dime sized of baby shampoo and swirl to see the makeup run off.
5: Rinse the brush with water until clean. Gently push the bristles back into their original shape.
6: Let the brushes dry completely before using.

Hope that was useful. Thanks for stopping by! 

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